Sustainability Charter ShopWeDo – Part 1 of 3: We only have one planet

Today there is a strong emphasis on sustainability in general.
Corporate social responsibility is also becoming increasingly important in the business world.
At ShopWeDo, we have made the exercise to see how we can adapt our business practices to become more sustainable.
Like any fast-growing company, we strive for higher returns.
We seize as many opportunities as possible with an eye toward a sustainable future and to enhance the well-being of our employees and society.

In this three-part series, you will find out what concrete initiatives we are taking to become a more sustainable company across the board.
In addition to formulating our ecological goals, this article has another purpose.
With it, we hope to inspire our customers to pursue socially responsible policies.
By choosing ShopWeDo as a business owner, you contribute to a sustainable future for e-commerce.
If this also enables us to combat the logistical exodus of Belgian webshops, that’s also a nice bonus.

Part 1: We only have one planet

Along with the corona crisis, we got a lesson in humility from Mother Nature.
Spectacular to see how nature recovered a few months after the lockdown.
Crystal clear water in Venice, the Taj Mahal without smog, and even rabbits in the front yard of our business building.
If there is one thing we have realized more than ever, it is that we only have one planet.
So we better take some extra care of it.


Recent studies show that, on average, a shipping box contains 40% air.
With sustainability in mind, we sense in the market that this needs to change.
Therefore, at ShopWeDo, we are putting this high on the agenda to get rid of it as soon as possible.
Specifically, we plan to invest €500,000 in a fully automated packing machine in early 2021.

This packaging machine makes sure that each box is adjusted in height according to its volume.
Packages therefore contain less unnecessary air and are also a lot firmer.
Indirectly, the volume reduction results in fewer CO2 emissions because more packages fit into a van.
The remaining space on the side will be filled with ecological paper instead of recycled plastic.
Also for sealing these boxes, we started looking at a greener alternative.
Plastic tape will be replaced with biodegradable glue.

Energy consumption

Inspired by Ostend, where our warehouse already has a full solar roof, we are still taking over our warehouse in Mechelen this year.
By installing a solar park with 400 solar panels, we will be able to operate entirely on solar energy.
Also by systematically replacing the lighting in the warehouses to LED lamps by Q2 2021, we want to reduce energy consumption.

ShopWeDo as a sustainable fulfillment partner

So, this was part one of our sustainability charter. In this three-part series, you will discover how we will begin our transition as a socially responsible company.
In three weeks, we would like to invite you to read“Part 2: How we are trying to locally anchor ourselves as a company in the region.”

Want to know more about our services or are you interested in working with a sustainable Belgian e-fulfilment partner? Contact us today: