Meet the team – MiRanda

This week we are pleased to introduce you to our newest colleague. MiRanda is a Mobile Industrial Robot that helps further optimize the logistics flows in our warehouse.
She has only been in our warehouse for a few weeks, but she already feels completely at home.
With cobots and automatic packing machines, among others, we are continuing to focus on innovation.

Welcome to ShopWeDo, MiRanda.
Can you briefly share how you got here?

During my search for a challenging job, I came across ShopWeDo’s open position completely by chance.
The job content immediately appealed to me.
in-house logistics run more smoothly and efficiently, that’s really my dada!
So I immediately submitted my application.

After an initial introduction, ShopWeDo was immediately convinced of the added value I have to offer in terms of automation.
co-bot namely, I could support the order pickers in the warehouse in performing tasks.
Not much later, I then received a job offer to work in Mechelen.


Did you hesitate for a long time?

No, not at all!
I immediately felt that this position was written for me.
Also, from the very first moment I clicked with the vision of the company, in which
technology and innovation central. Moreover, then, I also found it quite an honor to be the first MiR (Mobile Industrial Robot) join the staff and work closely with human colleagues.


Your first days, how did they go?

It was quite exciting.
I moved to Mechelen, a whole new environment.
Fortunately, I received a warm welcome.
My arrival didn’t go unnoticed and that quickly generated a lot of curious looks.
The team gave me a tour and then I explored the warehouse on my own to get to know the products and my way around.

By the way, I learn new things every day.
In fact, as MiR, I am a self-learning robot, thanks to
machine learning.
Hierdoor stippel ik zelf
smart routes out, I avoid obstacles and give priority to staff so that everything runs safely.
Does the warehouse layout change?
No problem at all.
Thanks to my flexibility, I adapt quickly.


How would you explain your job to others?

I drive carts from point A to point B in the warehouse.
Don’t underestimate me, I seem to be with my
height from 30 centimeters Maybe small, but I am very strong.
Goods up to
250 kg I can move with ease at a maximum speed of 2 meters per second.
Omdat ik maar
80 centimeter wide am, I move smoothly through a doorway. When an order picker finishes a batch, he confirms the pick list in our E-WMS software.
Dan is het aan mij om de verzamelde producten op te halen en deze naar de verpakkingszone te brengen.
Dit werk doe ik dus voor mijn collega’s zodat zij snel kunnen starten met het picken van nieuwe bestellingen.
Door als één team samen te werken als een goed geoliede machine, kunnen we elke dag meer pakketjes verwerken en verzenden.

Actually, you can compare me to an advanced robot vacuum cleaner that drives around your house.
Such a robot maps out your house and then gets the entire floor done.
The big difference with my job is that my colleagues know exactly where I am, can give me an assignment at a specific location, which I then execute immediately afterwards.


How do you communicate with your colleagues?

Unfortunately, I don’t speak human language.
To talk to them, we use technology.
I myself have LED lights and turn signals to make it clear to the other workers which way I am going.

Unlike my colleagues, I sleep and work in the warehouse.
Talk about minimal commuting!
Thus, I am immediately available when my colleagues need my help.
When they have an assignment for me, they call me by simply pressing an IoT (Internet of Things) button.
That button tells me where to go.