Kobe Ilsen visits ShopWeDo for één program #weetikveel

During the week of Black Friday, the film crew from #weetikveeljoin us in Mechelen. For this program on één deepened Kobe Ilsen himself into all kinds of fascinating topics where he looks for interesting facts. Episode 7 (aired on Monday, March 15) revolves around webshops. For the filming, they knocked on ShopWeDo E-fulfilment’s door, where the entire path a package takes – from order to return – is scrutinized.

E-fulfilment, a difficult word?

Thanks to Kobe and Greet Dekocker of SafeShops everyone now knows what e-fulfilment exactly is. In our warehouse, we take care of the webshop logistics of more than 150 Belgian web shops.
Greet compares e-fulfilment to the tasks performed by a sales clerk.
“Actually, they take care of every operation needed, once the product has been ordered, so that it reaches a shipper such as bpost.”

The logistics train

Kobe placed an online order via his smartphone.
few minutes later his order came into our e-WMS platform justified. Warehouse manager Olivier then goes about classifying all incoming orders into groups so that the products can be collected smoothly. Oour software Among other things, calculates the most efficient route that an order picker must travel.

Order picker Jessy takes about 30,000 steps in our warehouse every day.
The order form of what Kobe just ordered is printed so the goods can be picked.
With scanner and tablet in hand, they go to the
correct location.
Daar wordt het
product scanned for verification so they are sure to take the correct product.After all products are collected, the order arrives at Philip on the shipping tablel.
Then he packs everything very carefully (with much love and friendship, as Kobe himself described it).
Once the packages have a shipping label, they are placed on a cart in the
placed that the courier services then come to pick it up.


Jorinde processes packages returned by consumers.
She checks the packaging and contents for completeness and any damage.
If the items are still saleable, then they can be put back into stock.
Kobe flinches for a moment when he and Jorinde stop at the
returns. Watch the video.


Missed episode?

Rewatch the episode of #weetikveel about web shops at VRT NOW.
De aflevering is
until May 1, 2021 available.


Working with ShopWeDo?

In 2020 there were 20,094 online shops established.
Are you one of them and is
your webshop is growing? Contact us soon for more information.
We’ll tell you how we can make your e-commerce logistics more efficient.