9 September 2024

How to reduce the number of returns in your webshop

Returned items, something every web shop owner encounters. Consumers order something online and then it turns out the product does not quite meet expectations, resulting in […]
9 September 2024

BREXIT update

On Dec. 24, 2020, an agreement was reached between the United Kingdom and the European Union regarding the Brexit. Since January 1, 2021, there has been […]
9 September 2024

Content marketing for your shop: catch-up calendar 2021

What will we talk about in next week’s newsletter? What can we put on our social media channels? Create a content calendar for your shop Why? […]
9 September 2024

Next step toward sustainability and personalization with Jivaro Print of Savoy

Soon there will be a brand new packing machine in our warehouse. From then on, our shipments will no longer be packed manually, but automatically. Thanks […]
9 September 2024

Meet the team – MiRanda

This week we are pleased to introduce you to our newest colleague. MiRanda is a Mobile Industrial Robot that helps further optimize the logistics flows in […]
9 September 2024

Kobe Ilsen visits ShopWeDo for één program #weetikveel

During the week of Black Friday, the film crew from #weetikveeljoin us in Mechelen. For this program on één deepened Kobe Ilsen himself into all kinds […]
9 September 2024

Own webshop Babygoodies blows out 15 candles!

Unlike most e-fulfilment players, ShopWeDo did not originate from classic (road) logistics. It did, however, emerge from years of experience running its own webshop. Babygoodies.shop is […]
9 September 2024

New: customize order line and export documents for outside EU

In the past few days, a lot of changes have happened on the platform for international shipments outside the EU. Since this year, carriers have been […]
9 September 2024

1 year ShopWeDo Ostend

Last May, we opened our first e-fulfilment center in West Flanders. A strategic hub in the inner port of Ostend that had been planned earlier. Its […]
9 September 2024

Meet the team – Michael

For this edition, we return to the coast. Michael is 27 years old and is part of the duo in Ostend together with Bart. He started […]
9 September 2024

E-fulfilment in Belgium combined with personalization? Our speciality for years

Webshop logistics is all about speed and efficiency so that customers receive their packages quickly and correctly. But how can you give them a wow experience […]
9 September 2024

From July 1, new VAT rules for e-commerce

Do you sell through your webshop or marketplaces (such as Amazon or bol.com) also to foreign consumers in the EU? Online you can easily reach millions […]
9 September 2024

“We’ll make sure you get your packages.”

Just released the latest edition of the Mechelen city magazine Nieuwe Maan appeared. In the July-August 2021 issue ShopWeDo can also be found. Under the heading […]
9 September 2024

Meet the team – Jonas

Shift leader Jonas (29) has been joining our team in the warehouse since March. He briefly describes his job as: ” Ensuring that customers have their […]
9 September 2024

ShopWeDo continues to expand

Our e-fulfilment center in Mechelen continues to grow and expand. Meanwhile, a brand new warehouse has been put into use, adjacent to the existing warehouses. The […]
9 September 2024

From 100% manual to 80% robotized

E-fulfilment center ShopWeDo will transform this year into one of the first fully automated e-commerce warehouses in Belgium. To this end, they are partnering with the […]
9 September 2024

ShopWeDo shifts up a gear

“To meet demand, we did have to automate.” Those are the introductory words of the interview with our business manager Kenny Van Paesschen in the Entrepreneurs […]
9 September 2024

Meet the team – Jurgen

Jurgen has been joining our support team since January. As Support Agent briefly describes his job as “supporting customers.” What exactly this entails, you can read […]
9 September 2024

Meet the team – Wannes

With the arrival of more automation in our warehouse, came Wannes. As a maintenance technician, he is a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, but he can enjoy […]
9 September 2024

Sunday, October 2: Voka Open Business Day 2022

We will open our doors on Sunday, October 2, for the Voka Open Company Day. We will provide a comprehensive tour and take you on a […]
9 September 2024

More than 1,000 curious people visited our

Last Sunday, October 2, we opened our doors for the Voka Open Company Day. We were happy to give the 1261 visitors an insight into what […]
9 September 2024

Interview on RTV about Black Friday

Our CEO Kenny was asked last Sunday morning by RTV | TV PLUS Kempen Mechelen to come and tell something about Black Friday and Local Day. […]
9 September 2024

Voka – Bryo to visit

We recently had the young Bryo entrepreneurs from Voka Mechelen-Kempen visit us. They got an extensive tour of our robotized e-fulfilment center and learned from our […]
9 September 2024

New to the platform: BoxPic

Just before the orders enter our packing machine, they are photographed. This photo is immediately uploaded to our online platform with the order so you can […]