Meet the team – Jens

Who is Jens?

Jens is 35 years old and started working at Jongster Group more than 7 years ago as webmaster for the Babygoodies webshop.
Together with Kenny, he founded ShopWeDo e-fulfilment.
Did you even know that he came up with the name and logo?

How would you describe your job? I am CIO for the whole group and therefore also for ShopWeDo, meaning that I am responsible for developing the platform (IT-wise) behind our company.
I also develop new products and work out business and pricing models.
This also requires looking and thinking along with the market. What is a typical workday for you? A typical work day?
I don’t have one.
Most of my work consists of monitoring the programming of our platform, developing and optimizing all our information flows and processes.
This both for the connection to the customer and in our warehouse.
Sometimes meetings are scheduled with customers, other times it is time for internal consultation.
For me it is therefore always different, so a typical working day is quite difficult to describe. So what do you like most about your job? The great variety is without a doubt the most fun.
I am constantly inventing, developing and creating processes.
Actually, you could describe it as “bringing structure to chaos.
That’s the idea a bit.
I wouldn’t like to work in an environment where everything is fixed.
It just fascinates me that no two days are the same.
In the warehouse, for example, we try to keep everything on track.
For the development of new processes and products, it is important that we can convert a concrete demand from the market into something that is workable for ShopWeDo.
For example, we recently modified a few things in our software to be able to sell specifically on

Did you have a similar job before this? By training, I did hotel, kitchen and restaurant at hotel school.
Something completely different, but IT has actually always been my passion.
For that reason, I trained myself in this and schooled myself to where I am today.

At Jongster Group, I first worked as webmaster.
This was managing the website, especially on the back end: the whole underlying process and layout.
Not much later, ShopWeDo was then founded.
I remember how at the very beginning we went to trade shows and handed out leaflets.
It all started with six customers, some of whom we still have on board today.

How have you experienced the past few months? That was actually very fun.
It was very intense for everyone on the team, though.
From someone who packed packages and tried very hard to process orders until the last hour, to customer service and also management.
Everyone worked hard in the spring to cope with the sudden and huge demand from the market.
We could then use the summer to prepare for the year-end peak, which is always a peak time for e-commerce.
This year we can confidently expect the peak to be even more extreme than usual.

Over the past few months it has been nice to see how both the people, as well as the software and the company structure are very scalable to handle peaks.
For me, this was extra fun to be able to experience this, as I contributed a whole piece of development to it.
It has always been a passion for me to develop something that many people use and that really does make their lives easier.
I think we succeeded in this with ShopWeDo.

Are you yourself someone who likes or regularly buys online? Yes!
I find that incredibly easy, I actually find that the best thing about e-commerce.
Today, for many consumers, it has long since ceased to be price, which makes them buy online.
Unlike before, you don’t necessarily pay less online.
It is mainly the ease of use that prevails.
I myself do my shopping online and buy things like clothes and toys.

Will you become our new colleague?

After all, we are still looking for a PHP developer, be sure to check out the vacancy If this is your thing.
And who knows, see you soon!