Meet the team – Tim

Earlier this year, Tim (22) started as an order picker at ShopWeDo.
Want to know more about Tim?
Get to know him better in this article!

How have you experienced the past few months?

I quickly found my feet in this job and was absorbed smoothly into the team.
The changes coming are also promising.
I enjoy working within a fast-growing company.

What are your duties?

I am an order picker and assistant team leader.
That means I can assist where needed, a bit all-round really.
I also provide replacements when the shift manager is absent.

What does a workday look like? First we go over the schedule and determine who will do what.
Also, at the beginning of the day, I always go over how many orders have come in.
It is important to then see with the others how we can make the day run smoothly.
This can be done, for example, by scheduling all the large orders first. Did you do a similar job before this?

Previously, I worked in my family’s record store.
Afterwards, I started working in the hospitality industry and then I ended up here.
Something completely different and hard to compare, but I am pleasantly surprised.
It’s nice that I have more responsibility here than in my previous job.

What makes your job fun?

It’s always something different.
I like that the day is never the same and there are different challenges every time.
In addition, the atmosphere is good with the people I work with, they are cool colleagues.

What moment will you never forget?

That’s pretty hard to say after such a short period of time.
I think the team building, which is coming up this week, will not soon be forgotten 🙂

Online shopping, is it for you?

Not exactly, I prefer to buy things physically in the store.
There have been times when my package didn’t arrive, hence (laughs).
But by working at ShopWeDo I now understand the whole workings behind e-commerce and web shops.