Meet the team – Jurgen

Jurgen has been joining our support team since January.
As Support Agent
briefly describes his job as “supporting customers.”
What exactly this entails, you can read below.

How would you describe your job?

My range of duties is quite extensive.
Broadly speaking, as a Support Agent I deal with Customer Support.
I help customers – both by phone and via tickets and emails – with all kinds of questions.
These can be questions about the platform itself, inbounds, orders, etc.
So very diverse!
I also follow up on our B2B projects.
For example, when a customer is planning an action, I make sure everything is logistically ready!

How have you experienced the past few months?

I started at ShopWeDo in January.
So I have not been employed here for very long.
This means that the past few months have been very instructive.
I learned a lot about the logistical flow behind webshops.
This is obviously very important to be able to do my job properly and really help customers.
Meanwhile, I know many of our customers well.
This makes the contact all the more fun.

What does a workday look like?

I usually start my day with the most urgent thing: resolving Q&As.
These are often shipments that – after I have closed the previous working day – have not left due to a problem (e.g. too little stock, a problem with the address details, … ).
We do our best to resolve Q&As as quickly as possible, so they can leave immediately for the end customer.
Afterwards, answering tickets and emails with customer questions is on the schedule.
Yet you don’t always see me sitting at my computer.
I also spend a lot of time in the warehouse, where I can physically check things.

Did you do a similar job before this?

Not really!
I worked as a manager in an electrical store.
The job I did there was more focused on sales.
Of course, I already had experience in customer contact: I provided support and solved problems.
I felt I wanted to continue in this area and took my chance as a Support Agent at ShopWeDo.
Here the focus is also more on B2B customers, which I really like.

What makes your job fun?

The variety!
I really like the variety between screen work and physically checking things in the warehouse.
I also find the B2B projects very fascinating.
These are always unique and require a different approach.
The atmosphere within the team is also very important, of course, and it is good!

Online shopping, is it for you?

Yes, definitely! What especially convinces me to shop online more often is the wide selection and fast delivery. And by no means do you have to spend hours looking for parking!