Meet The Team – Svetlana

Meet Svetlana, a vibrant addition to our team who has been with us for over a year and has brought a fresh perspective. Let's get right down to business and find out more about Svetlana's journey at ShopWeDo!

Let's start by talking about your time here at ShopWeDo. How long have you been part of the team and how do you look back on these months?

I first did a student job at ShopWeDo. Afterwards, I got the chance to join here permanently. Without having any real work experience, I have already learned a lot here. Meanwhile, I have been working here for one year and three months!

That sounds great! How did you end up at ShopWeDo?

Funny story!!! In 2020, I had an internship at Babygoodies (now known as NameOnIt), which is how I ended up at ShopWeDo. It's amazing how one opportunity can lead to another, right?

Absolutely! Tell us about a typical work day. What is your favorite moment of the day?

Well, my usual task is to prepare and ship Neuhaus' webshop orders. The highlight of my day is seeing the counter hit 100%. That means all tasks are completed!

Do you do a lot of online shopping yourself?

Absolutely!!! I get a package delivered at least once a week!

Here's a fun one - do you have another crazy fact about yourself?

I am a professional overthinker :-). It is both a blessing and a curse!

Haha, recognizable! Okay, quick round: favorite hobbies? Favorite movie? Favorite food?

  • Watching movies and reading, without a doubt. I enjoy that every day.

  • I can't choose - Harry Potter and The Fast and the Furious are my favorites.

  • Pizza, no doubt about it!

If you could choose any job for a week, which one would it be?

My dream job is not in this sector at all, but suppose I could choose I would like to be a game designer.

Fantastic choices! Thanks for sharing a peek into your world, Svetlana. It was great talking to you!